ChatGPT and other AI Software programs are stirring up a lot of activity in the world today. It is changing everything from the way that kids are doing their homework, how code is being written, to issues regarding intellectual property rights and how the programs learn and function by ingesting data from third-party sites, and also (now) domain names.
We did a quick search in our platform for the CHATGPT.COM name and came away with over 300 results with more than half of those results are exact matches using the name “CHATGPT” in different gTLDs, like .yoga, .zone, and .xyz. There are also a bunch of domains that have attached terms like “omg”, “vr” “ai” and “bot”. Below is a sample of our search results.
The run on these domains is officially on. We will check in the system next week to see how many domains there are with the CHATGPT name and give an update. Of course, the trademark ChatGPT is owned by OpenAI, a California company that has a pending trademark application with the USPTO – U.S. Ser. No. 97-733,261 for the software, and we would imagine that a flurry of other trademark applications will be coming to cover the obvious areas of commercial expansion.